Community Hub

Here to support families and the wider community.

Welcome to our Community Hub. Our community hub consists of a dedicated community building, sports hall and changing facilities, kitchen, classroom, pantry and cafe space. It also has an allotment area. Although the space is part of Marlborough Road Academy, it aims to serve both the school and wider community and to reach people of all ages.We know that communities are strongest together and this forms a central part of our hub ethos. We are committed to building positive relationships with the community the hub serves and to enabling community members to act on things that they care about.  Our aims are to:
  • Help our local community lead healthier, happier and better-connected lives.
  • Reduce isolation among our parents/carers and the wider community.
  • Offer a safe and supportive environment, in which local residents can thrive.
  • Promote change driven by both the school and the  community.
  • Provide  opportunities  for community members to get involved, participate, volunteer, learn and to develop their skills and talents.
  • to improve social community cohesion.
The Marlborough Road Academy Community Hub is run by our Community Development Officer: Judith Richens who can be contacted on the following e mail address:

Have your Say

Community voice is very important to us.  We regularly sample the views and opinions of the community to be sure that we focus on the things that matter to you.  Look out for the monthly community newsletter and follow the school on social media to see what we are currently working on, events that are coming up or things you can get involved in.

Sad news

The pantry space has suffered a small fire and so the building is temporarily out of use.  The repairs are on going and we hope to re open in May/June.
We have been able to relocate some of our community activities and are holding a weekly pop up stall in place of the pantry on Mondays. We regret that we are not able to offer the facility for hire at the moment or to run the range of activities we had planned. However, we are determined to have our full programme in operation as soon as possible. 


Current Events

Family Fitness 3.30-4.30pm
Pop Up food support
Women's Group
Food give away from 3.10pm.
Community Litter picking 8.30-9.00am
Women's Yoga
Karate  6-7pm


Coming Soon!

April 2025 - Family Cooking sessions will begin with Ethnic Health Forum 
18.3.25 Iftah meal at Albion Academy.  Everyone is welcome.  Please book places using the QR code on the flyer
Community Clean Up! -  Come and join us and help to keep our community clean and tidy.  
31.3.25 from 9-10am 
Meet at the Dudley Street entrance 

Community Hub

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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