The geography curriculum at Marlborough Road provides children with a:
- Relevant, coherent, progressive knowledge of the world and an ability to find their place in it, explored through the lenses of geographical ‘vertical concepts’:
- Location and Place
Where is this place?
What are the human and physical characteristics of this place?
What is the interaction between people and place?
The location is seen at a local to global scale.
Cause, effects and responses can vary in their scale.
What are the similarities and differences at the different scales – local, regional, national, global.
What are the connections between the human and physical worlds?
How does one event affect another?
- Grounding in core disciplinary knowledge, and the ability to approach challenging, geographically-valid questions:
- Geographical skills
- Fieldwork enquiry
- Identify patterns and links
- Using examples and key vocabulary
For more information, please download our curriculum intent for geography.